
M&A Consulting

M&A structures, advantages, and disadvantages of each type

Over the past decade, M&A activity in Vietnam has increased greatly. The market has witnessed

Income tax implications on the assignment of capital in cross-border transactions

A. Direct Capital Transfer in Viet Nam Where the assignor is an entity, gains derived from the assignment of capital in a Vietnamese company are subject to corporate income tax

Note in negotiating payment periods in M&A transactions

Payment is one of the important provisions and is always considered by the parties in M&A transactions in Vietnam, especially one of the parties being foreign individuals/organizations. Most M&A transactions

New regulations in law on investment and law on enterprises affecting M&A deals in Vietnam

The domestic COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam has been well controlled so far; in addition, the Government of Vietnam continues to issue many investment attraction policies and legal provisions on investment

IP Due Diligence in a M&A deal

Intellectual property rights that include author rights and related rights (or neighbouring rights), trademarks, patents,


Which options for hotel acquisition and merger?

Traveling to Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, is developing both quantity and quality, which has

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