
Legal Updates

Supporting interest rate of 2%/year from the state budget with loans from businesses

1. New Circular supporting small and medium innovative businesses The Ministry of Planning and Investment

Proposing activities that do not have to be assigned sea areas

1. Connecting residential database with database of land, insurance, state officiers Connecting the residential database with the database of land, insurance and state officiers is a requirement in Decision 905/QD-BTTTT

Proposing new regulations on management of multi-level marketing (MLM) activities

1. Amending and supplementing regulations on private placement and trading of corporate bonds The Ministry of Finance is drafting a Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree

Foods produced by manual methods must have nutrition labels

1. Proposal to extend the term of the Resolution on handling of bad debts The State Bank is drafting a Resolution on extending the term of Resolution 42/2017/QH14 on piloting

The technology taxis under the draft Law on Road Traffic

1. Conditions for establishment of 100% State-owned enterprises The Government has just issued Decree 23/2022/ND-CP

Guidelines for trade remedies under the RCEP

1. Proposing amendments and supplements to 6 Decrees detailing the implementation of the Land Law

Temporarily suspending medical declaration for people entering Vietnam

1. Temporarily suspending medical declaration for people entering Vietnam This is the content of Official

Approving the Resolution to submit to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on environmental protection tax on gasoline and oil

1. Approving the Resolution to submit to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on

Guidance on implementing regulations on increasing overtime

1. Guidance on implementing regulations on increasing overtime On April 26th, 2022, the Ministry of

Dispatch No. 1265/BYT-DP: New regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control for entrants

On March 15th, 2022, the Ministry of Health issued Dispatch No. 1265/BYT-DP on COVID-19 prevention

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