Receiving The Capital Investment In The Form Of Converting Loans Into Shares

Receiving the capital investment by converting loans into shares is very common in Vietnam. In

What Is Legal Due Diligence And Why Is It Important In M&A Transactions?

Along with the fact that Vietnam is opening up the market and encouraging investments from foreign countries, the environment for business and investment in Vietnam is gradually being influenced by

Distinguishing between Franchise agreements and Licensing agreements

“Franchise” and “Licensing” are two popular terms in the field of intellectual property. These two methods are essentially different from each other. Accordingly, the form of each agreement is also

03 prerequisite legal questions to consider before receiving a foreign franchise into Vietnam

1. Do the business model and products satisfy the conditions to be traded in Vietnam? Essentially, a franchise transaction will consist of 02 primary licensing agreements: licensing of the business

M&A structures, advantages, and disadvantages of each type

Over the past decade, M&A activity in Vietnam has increased greatly. The market has witnessed

Requesting Employees To Reimburse For Training Costs And Keeping Employees’ Certificates Or Diplomas When Termining The Labour Relation Before The Binding Duration (part 1)

Nowadays, Businesses appreciate improving their Employees’ skills and qualifications. They are willing to spend a

Issues To Take Notice Of Before Advertising Cosmetics

Advertising has always been considered the tool for enterprises to bring their products and services

Things To Keep In Mind When Operating In Overseas Education Consultancy

After the Covid-19 pandemic has settled down, many countries are coming up with plans to

Some basic notes when registering to advertise drugs

With the rapid spread of information on the media and social networks, advertising plays an

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