
Dispute Resolution

Some Difficulties In The International Legal Mandate Performance Of Civil

In the current globalization trend, civil disputes involving foreign element(s) are increasing.  Legal mutual assistance

Which Is Better, Court Or Arbitration?

Like many other nations all over the world, Vietnam also has two parallel mechanisms for commercial dispute resolution are court and commercial arbitration (shortly referred to as “arbitration”). In fact,

Settling Disputes Arising From International Transportation Contracts Without The Applicable Law Clause

The determination of the applicable law when resolving disputes concerning legal relations involving foreign elements is one of the important factors that help resolve disputes because such legal relations have

Domain Dispute Settlement Under Vietnamese Laws: An Overview Of Conflicts

Domain name is the name used to identify the Internet address of the server composed of sequences of characters separated by a period “.”. In particular, Vietnam national domain name

Some Legal Tips For Recognition And Enforcement Of Foreign Arbitration Award In Vietnam

Procedural steps to enforce a foreign arbitration award in Vietnam  Currently, the issue on recognition

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