What International Trademark Registration Under The Madrid System is?
Business nowadays no longer be limited to the national scale but integrates and develops widely
Basic requirements for consumer protection in the content of a health insurance contract
1. Basic requirements for consumer protection in the content of a Health Insurance Contract The draft Circular of the Ministry of Finance guides a number of articles and measures to
Common obligations of franchisees in Vietnam
In a commercial franchise transaction, one party to the transaction possibly has to accept one or more “unfair” contents, compared to the other party. The nature of the commercial franchise
Sound trademark
The Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property (hereinafter referred to as the revised Law on Intellectual Property) is adopted by the National
Foreign Employees In Vietnam, and 3 legal notes
Foreign employees need to understand the basic legal issues to be able to work and
Procedures for assigning a trademark application in Vietnam
Any individual or organization has the right to file a trademark application for the goods
New regulations on electronic guarantee activities
1. New regulations on electronic guarantee activities The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) promulgates Circular
Subleasing Land From Infrastructure Enterprise
Subleasing land from infrastructure enterprises in industrial parks, export processing zones, high-tech parks, industrial clusters
Apolat Legal joined Vietnam Business Lawyers Club (VBLC)
The Vietnam Business Lawyers Club (VBLC) is an organization that is affiliated with Vietnam Bar
Proposing additional authority to approve foreign exchange operations
1. Proposing additional authority to approve foreign exchange operations The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)
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