Q&A: Registering trademark in Vietnam (Part 1)
1. What is trademark? Trademark is defined as any sign used to distinguish goods or services
Q&A: Registering trademark in Vietnam (Part 2)
1. How long for the process of mark registration in Vietnam? The processing of mark registration in Vietnam shall be conducted within the timelines mentioned below: Formal examination: An application
Taxation related to running e-commerce business in Vietnam for foreign companies
The 21st century has witnessed a great shift in the commerce industry globally, where traditional shopping is almost replaced with online shopping. It is barely found companies, whatsoever fields, doing
E-Commerce business in Vietnam: Conditions for foreign investors
As reported by Google, in terms of scale, Vietnam is the third-largest e-commerce market in Southeast Asia with 7 billion USD in 2020, following the biggest scale of 32 billion
Income tax implications on the assignment of capital in cross-border transactions
A. Direct Capital Transfer in Viet Nam Where the assignor is an entity, gains derived
Note in negotiating payment periods in M&A transactions
Payment is one of the important provisions and is always considered by the parties in
Foreign investors establishing companies providing call center services in Vietnam
Amid the growing trend towards globalization, Call Center services, phone-based customer service to support and
Registering trademark in southeast asia – some key points to take note (part 2)
4. Some key notes when registering trademark in Thailand (continue) Categories of Trademark in Thailand:
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