Foreign licensing of intellectual property rights

Expanding the existing business, in terms of market and business sectors, or improving goods or

03 steps for transfer of intellectual property rights in Vietnam

Transfer intellectual property rights mean permission by the exclusive intellectual property holders (the licensors) for other organizations and individuals (the licensees) to use or exploit one or several rights over

Why enterprises should develop intellectual property management systems?

In the context that the fourth revolution industry (4.0) is forming and spreading all over the world, the intellectual property importance and value for enterprises in general and the modern

Overlapping copyright and trademark protection in Vietnam

Copyright and trademark (subject matters of industrial property rights) are two subject groups protected by the law on intellectual property, which protect different subject matters. The copyright protects literary, artistic

Common obligations of franchisors in Vietnam

The franchise is one of the business forms with high efficiency and profitability because this

What International Trademark Registration Under The Madrid System is?

Business nowadays no longer be limited to the national scale but integrates and develops widely

Common obligations of franchisees in Vietnam

In a commercial franchise transaction, one party to the transaction possibly has to accept one

Sound trademark

The Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property

Foreign Employees In Vietnam, and 3 legal notes

Foreign employees need to understand the basic legal issues to be able to work and

Procedures for assigning a trademark application in Vietnam

Any individual or organization has the right to file a trademark application for the goods

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