In which case the foreign arbitral award shall not be recognized and enforced in Vietnam?
In the era of economic integration, commercial disputes are starting to be resolved by foreign
04 Common Reasons for Trademark Registration Refusal in the United States
1. Understanding the basics of US Trademarks Trademarks, in general, encompass words, phrases, symbols, icons that producers use to identify their goods. However, shapes, sounds, scents, and colors can also
Increasing Charter Capital With Capital Surplus In A Private Joint Stock Company
The concept of Capital Surplus is quite prevalent within private joint stock companies (those that are not public companies). When a Joint Stock Company issues additional shares with a fixed
Noteworthy issues regarding foreign loans
During the course of their operations, foreign-invested enterprises may seek foreign loans from the foreign project owners or investors (or their own holding companies) or obtain loans from foreign banks
Conditions for insurance brokerage of foreign investors in Vietnam
A risk is an adverse event that happens to an object or phenomenon. It can
Registering A Foreign-invested Company’s E-commerce Exchange Operation
In today’s technologically advanced times, people increasingly demand online shopping to save time and travel
Noteworthy issues with respect to beer and wine export
In recent years, there has been a noticeable upward trend among Vietnamese beer and wine
Sea freight dispute resolution: Noteworthy issues
International freight transport is a multinational, widespread commercial activity governed by a multitude of regulations.
Teaching short-term courses in Vietnam (Part 1)
1. Foreword Knowledge is one of every man’s greatest assets, especially in the modern world
Apolat Legal is the legal consulting firm for a 100% Vietnamese-owned investment company’s acquisition of shares in a leading Vietnamese food production company
Apolat Legal is the legal consulting firm for a 100% Vietnamese-owned investment company’s acquisition of
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