Issues during the due diligence process in M&A transactions
In recent years, thanks to progressive diplomatic policies and robust economic development strategies, Vietnam has
Things To Note When Filing A Patent In China
In today’s digital economy, patent protection is more important than ever, as it plays a critical role in driving innovation in each country, promoting R&D activities, technology transfer, and attracting
Determining the procedural capacity of private enterprise owners
In court proceedings, accurately determining the procedural capacity of parties is crucial, as each party has different rights and obligations in a civil case. Incorrectly identifying the procedural capacity can
Conditions and procedures for establishing a real estate exchange
A real estate exchange is a venue where all services related to real estate transactions are conducted and provided. It ensures transparency and openness, helping investors confidently search for and
Copyright infringement of cinematography works
Social media and online streaming platforms have become familiar to all of us. The development
Core elements of an arbitration agreement
As the method of resolving disputes by commercial arbitration becomes more popular, businesses are increasingly
Seat of arbitration or venue of hearing?
In commercial arbitration proceedings, “seat of arbitration” (or place of arbitration) is a concept of
Which disputes can be resolved by commercial arbitration?
Determining the arbitration jurisdiction to resolve disputes is one of the core issues in arbitration
Foreign investors operating restaurants outside shopping centers
Nowadays, restaurants and food stores are increasingly flourishing and developing after the Covid pandemic. A
Ensuring bondholders’ rights when the bond issuer changes the terms and conditions of the bond
Currently, Vietnamese law allows bond issuers to modify the terms and conditions of issued bonds
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