
Intellectual Property Rights

Introduction to Patent licensing in Vietnam

A patent is a legal document granted by the government to inventors or organizations that


Copyright protection laws in Vietnam are governed by the Intellectual Property Law, which was enacted in 2005 and later amended in 2009, 2019, and 2022. The law provides a comprehensive

Overview of international trademark registration

Many enterprises have the desire and ambition to bring their products to foreign markets, even though they face fierce competition. Consumers use trademarks to identify, buy, create and maintain product

Intellectual property issues the enterprises need to pay attention to when participating in e-commerce

Section 1 – Domain Name Selection Transcending the scale of the traditional business market, the purchase and sale of goods and the continuous development of the digital technology era have

Franchising Activities In Vietnam

Nowadays, thanks to the rapid development of modern technology, multinational corporations and enterprises now have

Why is it important to perform a trademark search before filing an application?

1. Why do you need to conduct a trademark search? The purpose of a trademark

Foreign licensing of intellectual property rights

Expanding the existing business, in terms of market and business sectors, or improving goods or

03 steps for transfer of intellectual property rights in Vietnam

Transfer intellectual property rights mean permission by the exclusive intellectual property holders (the licensors) for

Why enterprises should develop intellectual property management systems?

In the context that the fourth revolution industry (4.0) is forming and spreading all over

Overlapping copyright and trademark protection in Vietnam

Copyright and trademark (subject matters of industrial property rights) are two subject groups protected by

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