
Business and Investment

What is a charter? And the importance of the charter

The charter is one of the mandatory documents that must be submitted to the business

Chemical -related activities and the chemical industry in Vietnam

Chemical-related activities constitute a major industry, the chemical industry, that has a profound and extensive impact on Vietnam’s economy. Understanding this, Apolat Legal hereby provides our clients, other companies that

Which type of certificate is needed for special-use vehicles in the factory?

Special-use vehicles are important tools in the production process at factories and warehouses. When putting these vehicles into operation, companies not only need to pay attention to technical factors, ensure

U.S investors establish a technology management and consulting company in Vietnam

According to the investment report from the Foreign Investment Agency, Vietnam has granted licenses to 124 new projects from investors with U.S nationality, with a total investment capital of up

Singapore investors establish technology company

According to statistics from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, in 2023, there were investments

Reports must be completed when making investments overseas

Vietnamese organizations/individuals when making investments abroad, need to comply and fully submit the following reports: 

Vietnamese organization/individual establishes a company in Singapore to wholesale and retail activities of goods

1. Regarding forms of offshore investment  According to Vietnamese Law, to conduct offshore investment, Vietnamese

Change of representative managing the contributed capital under the law on enterprise 2020

The Representative Managing the Contributed Capital of the owner, member or shareholder of the company

The dismissal of a member of the board of management resulting in the changes of the company charter and key considerations

1. Voting Majority in accordance with the laws Currently, for joint-stock companies, the Enterprise Law

Legal regulations about environmentally friendly products and services

A rising trend in the market recently is environmentally friendly products and services. With annual

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